Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Film Storyboard


Before we proceeded working on our media product, we devised a storyboard plan in order to follow our opening sequence and get a concept of how we want our scenes to look like for a visual effect.  There was a lot of group effort incorporated in the story board planning, before we started drawing up our story boards we thought thoroughly about the plot of our film and planned each scene. Some people in my group drew the images and we all agreed on what shots we used and why, the effect. I wrote all the short annotations on the right hand side of the storyboard, that was predominantly my own contribution to the story boarding outline.  
Our drawings shown above represented the action taking place in each shot, the camera angles, and action taking place. We came to an agreement  as a group that we were not going to put all our film titles in the beginning of our film, we wanted to have them scattered in the opening scene, this makes it slightly different from others.As a group we stuck to our initial plan overall a few changes. The description of each shot and the action is displayed in the box on the side. It indicates what type of shot it is and also  a short description of what action is taking place in the particular sequence, e.g. close of main protagonist in the first sequence-is effective as it establishes main character of the film. 

Image 1 

Image 2 

one morning we started looking for location that will suit our film genre. We found two locations but image 1 shows a location with a short tunnel under a rail line.We choose to go for this location 1 for a scene in our film because it was suitable for our genre: gritty urban. There is also graffiti this shows its an urban area, a  lot of teenagers hang out around there. We decided to use image 1 for the fighting scene because its a confined and claustrophobic area we wanted the audience to feel sympathy for the victim. Image 2 continued our urban theme because it provided an escape route for our attackers, it had a corner where they could escape to.

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